Friday, 28 March 2014

Spread the Word

So today had been an ordinary day as Friday's go. All the usual run of the mill stuff happen then I found myself outside Chimichanga. Now this in itself is obviously not exciting (unless you have a fetish for Mexican food!), but then something happened.. I check my phone, more specifically my Twitter feed and something brought a huge smile to my face.

Now I am a huge fan of the Game of Thrones books and thus the TV show by HBO. I 'follow' a number of the actors and actresses on my and C&D's twitter accounts and I take as much interest in their tweets and activities as much as I do other people because namely, we are all just 'people' at the end of the day. However, following people from all walks of life opens the curtains that bit wider when you wake up in the morning and allows you to see more of that lovely, sunny horizon.

Well, as anyone who has read this blog will know, it's brand spanking new! Thus not many people know about it, nor does it have much of a following or readership. That will all change hopefully in the future, but for the time being.. baby steps. Anyhow.. So I saw a tweet by a chap called Eugene Simon. I've found quite a few of his tweets interesting, engaging and fresh, so when I saw he had some blog related info to spill I immediately replied with some information about mine. Here's the rub..

Eugene happens to be an actor. Who plays a character from the above mentioned Game of Throne series. Who has 50,000 followers+ on Twitter. What happened? He replied.

At this point the thought of my date I was waiting for (she was 5 minutes late at this point) went completely out of my mind and I may well have done a little happy dance, I can't remember. It's irrelevant. What isn't is the fact a tweet I posted got retweeted to quite a big bunch of people which is fantastic and if you're one of those people who have happened upon this blog via Eugene's kind retweet then may I say a humble, Welcome.

Now the theatre company I co-own is bare three months old and despite the grand plans I have in the back of my mind, it's still very much fledgling, kinda like this blog. What would be super would be if more people came and read some of my rambling thoughts, followed @CD_Productions1 and spread the word about us a little further. The possible excitement in Eugene lending his support (even if it ends up being fleeting) is it's good natured and honest. 

Who knows.. in three years time I could well be directing a small play in London at a deliciously intimate venue and he could be in the cast. The world is a funny place and none of us know where we might end up. Life is about living, spreading positivity and supporting others to follow their dreams. Coincidentally, Mr Simon also has a blog so in the nature of this post - here's the link! Feel free to give it a read and show him the same support you're showing me by becoming part of my world. 

I may be super cheeky and see if I can do my first ever 'vblog' with him as it would surely create lots of excitement, be in keeping with the sentiment of blogging and would be a good excuse for a mini road trip!

What do you say Eugene?

p.s. My date did eventually turn up, we had a splendid time and I'm hopefully seeing her again next time. Bye!

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